Wednesday, May 7, 2008

OK, this is pretty ridiculous. I think that China is trying to censor my
blog. At first I blamed internet explorer for not directing me to the
Shawdyssey, but now I am beginning to truely think that the problem runs
deeper. I can't read any of my favorite blogs [Rough Draft and The APB]
or search craigslist. Very sinister. I'm going underground by having my
daddy post this from 'mrrica.

China has been great though, as you can see. The May holidays made for a 5
day weekend for Sophie. We got oput of Kunming and up into one of my most
romanticized parts of the globe, where the Yangtze, Mekong and another river
bunch up and run parallel out of the himalaya. We had a fantastic two day
hike through the Tiger Leaping Gorge where the Yangze basically undercuts
frosty peakes two and a half miles above it.

Another highlight of the trip was Dali, a medieval feeling city made of
marble with mountains on one side and a large lake on the other. We took a
bateau mouche out to the middle of the lake to a picturesque monastery.
After that, we were ferried to a small fishing town where before we knew it
a man had smacked two wriggling green fish on the pavement and begun to gut
them for us. After other dishes were agreed upon (by them), we had just
enough time to walk through a small cave with some pretty stalactites before
our midday feast was prepared. The shock came at the end of the delicious
meal that also included tiny squids and lettucy fungi when the bill read 250
yuan or about $40 (10x a reagular meal). Gram, your gracious contribution to
our travels covered it. An unforgetable experience.

As for those who think that I'm not training up here, just know that I'm
living at an elevation somewhat above Denver. I'M TRAINING ALL THE TIME MUAH

1 comment:

Abang J said...

That photo is TOO CUTE!